Product Description The 10-227 Robertshaw Flame Sensor Assembly and Replacement Sensors have high temperature Kanthol sensor rods that will withstand 1800F (982C). The sensor rod is 3/4" long. Features and Benefits Connects to a 1/4" quick connect terminal.
Robertshaw 1751-729 Furnace Universal Pilot Mounting Ignitor Sensor BSD55.26 BSD39.90 BSD39.90 Add to Cart
Robertshaw 10-681 Furnace Flame Sensor for Carrier Bryant LH33WZ511 LH680014 BSD35.54 BSD25.32 BSD25.32 Add to Cart
Robertshaw Flame Sensor Rod 10-6380 for Goodman Janitrol Amana 0130F00010 Furnaces BSD25.42 BSD12.69 BSD12.69 Add to Cart
Robertshaw 10-6840 for Armstrong Lennox Ducane 69W43 LB74940B Furnace Flame Sensor BSD25.42 BSD12.28 BSD12.28 Add to Cart
Robertshaw Furnace Ignitor 41-410 for Trane B144676P01 Norton 271N BSD38.54 BSD17.53 BSD17.53 Add to Cart