It is a perfect fit and works great. I didn’t need the wheels but they’re good to have. My dryer has four and the kit came with two. Maybe upgrade the kit to four. But I mostly just needed the belt and tensioner. Great price in my opinion too.
Got the whole kit for less than just the belt from whirlpool. Good product. Fast shipping.
The kit solved my problem. All the parts were the correct replacements. I would suggest that the kit be expanded to include two more rollers since the drum uses four rollers to ride on. That would then replace all rotating components for the drum.
Otherwise, the kit was fairly priced and arrived on time, and in very good packaging. Well done!
Purchased to repair a 9 yr old Cabrio dryer. Making screeching, screaming, nails on chalkboard noise.
Watched plenty of videos on the repair, of course they made it look easier than it was. Dryer no longer makes a screeching noise, but it now wobbles because I didn't stay with heavy duty rollers for the front, bought the cheaply made ones. Ill be putting the original HD rollers back on soon.